Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can you believe it?

Mommy had a VACATION!

This weekend I had a wonderful little getaway to New York to spend time with my dear friends from college (otherwise known as "the girls").

I am amazed at the rejuvenating power of a little time away. This is an indulgence all mothers should be lucky enough to have. (And all mothers should be lucky enough to have dear friends like mine!)

What a drastic difference between a day that is all my own and one spent caring for children. I had breakfast without hopping up from my chair several dozen times to get something for the kids ("I want juice! I want more oatmeal! I need a napkin! I want the blue cup, not the yellow one!"). We went to a broadway show and ate out at restaurants that didn't offer crayons and paper placemats. I woke up on my own schedule, not at the pre-dawn request to watch a show on TV. Perhaps the greatest luxury of all was that I spent time gabbing with my friends without interruption. I actually finished all of my sentences!

And, as all good things must come to an end, I came home today. But the best part of the weekend was the greeting I received when I walked in the door. Getaways are nice, but "welcome home" greetings are nicer. If only I could bottle those tight hugs and excited squeals and open them up on the days the kids are whining for more oatmeal.

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