Friday, September 17, 2010

"Why is Daddy's heart broken?"

His heart is broken because you won't let him do ANYTHING. No diaper changes, no baths; you won't even let him read you a bedtime story! Of course his heart is broken!

The mommy-dependence is really wearing on me. Of course, at 2, it's understandable that Megan wants her mom. I am the stay-at-home parent and am responsible for the majority of her care. Dad travels a lot for work, so when he's away, I'm the only caregiver. Being hyper-attached to the primary caregiver is natural at this age.

Of course, I might just be rationalizing here, so if I'm off base, let me know.

Now, Ryan is starting to chime in with the "I want Mommy" whine, too. He's just imitating his little sister, but it's aggravating to me and truly disappointing to my husband. What dad wants to be shunned, especially when he's away from his kids so frequently?

I am on a mission to replace our babysitter, who is off to a new life as a college student. Finding a quiet place for an interview poses a challenge, however. Of course, babysitters are likely to tell me "no, thanks" when they hear the screaming toddler in the background, adamantly refusing a bath from Dad while trying to bang down my bedroom door to find me. Who wants to take care of a kid who's capable of cracking glass in her screams for her mother?

Think she'll let the sitter take care of her for a week while Dad and I go to Aruba? A mom can dream....

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It is official...I am without a babysitter.

I found a lovely girl about a year ago, who happened to be my son's swim instructor. She clicked with him right away, and as my son so rarely does this with anyone over the age of 12, I asked for her number right away.

She came once in a while to play with the kids so I could go to the post office or organize the basement. Sad, but true; this is mostly what I used the sitter for. The kids loved playing with her, and it freed me up to actually do a load of laundry without a child trying to climb me like I'm a tree. We also used her for a monthly "date night," but that was an easy gig, since we put the kids to bed ourselves and let her watch TV while we ate dinner out at a ridiculously late hour. (The kids didn't mind playing with her, but allow someone else to put them to bed? No way!) Of course, by the time we actually got out of the house, both of us were far too tired to even pay attention to the conversation, so date night was always pretty foggy.

But, as high school students are apt to do, she graduated and left for college. She strongly considered staying close to home for school, and it took considerable strength on my part not to beg her to make that choice. I chose the less selfish route of encouraging her to spread her wings and go away to school. I know...what WAS I thinking?

So, here we are, without someone to call up when I need to go to the doctor or hubby and I need a little sanity on a Saturday night. Sittercity, here I come. Hope it works!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Has it really been this long?

DId I really go the whole summer without posting anything? Oh, dear. Where did the time go? Summers always make me think this. I attended more years of school than I care to count, and after all of that schooling, I decided to teach for a living. Go figure. Thus, my life has always moved in the pattern of a school year. For most, renewal happens on January 1st. Good-bye to last year, resolutions for the know what I mean.

For me, September has always been the time for renewal. Put away the beach bag, get out the school bag. Being on hiatus from the classroom has had its privileges. For example, I know the best days to take the kids to the Museum of Science so as to avoid summer/holiday crowds AND field trips! I've also discovered that people do, indeed, get out and about between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. (Silly me! I always used to think that the world came to an abrupt halt between those hours!)

But here we are; it's September again. Being home with the kids has been nice in many ways (incredibly draining in others), but I'm missing that school bell, the PA announcements, the groans when I share tonight's homework assignment or the date the next essay is due. I'm trying to delight in the last bit of time I have left before Ryan starts Kindergarten next year and I cannot take him to the science museum the first day after Spring Break (tip to all the SAHMs out of the least crowded days to go!) Yet there is still that small section of my heart yearning to sign hall passes and find out what the big kids did with their summers.

Happy September!