Sunday, February 6, 2011

Damn ice dams

I have officially had it with New England winters.

As a teacher-on-hiatus, I loved snow days. My sister (also a teacher) formed the "Snow Day Committee," which included like-minded teaching folks who also enjoyed themselves a good snow day. Then, one year, we had so many snow days that the school year went until the end of June with the days added on. Have you ever tried getting teenagers to retain anything when it's June, it's beach weather, and the classroom is soaring past 100 degrees? Well, it's...difficult. So I stopped rooting for snow days, and my sister revoked my membership on the "Snow Day Committee."

Fine by me.

Now I have REALLY had enough. The playroom is leaking because the ice dams are so thick on our roof that the water is backing up into the roof. Lego building is just not as much fun when water is dripping on your head.

Hubby was in town (thank you thank you thank you), so he went to work trying to clear away some of the ice so water could drain off of the roof. He went up on the ladder with stockings full of calcium chloride. I'm home with the kids all the time, so who needs stockings? They're all yours. The lightning came, so he got down. But he was back at it again today, and drainage has been achieved. Dripping has ceased, at least until the next snow storm leaves us with another ice dam(n).

And I am just ridiculously grateful that this all went down while hubby was actually home, and not in Dallas or Miami or Minneapolis or San Diego, or any of his other work sites. PHEW!

Screw the Snow Day Committee. Bring me summer, please. NOW.

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